What We Do

Uplift Laundry Truck Provides Free laundry services and supplies for those in need.

Our mission is to serve families in North Carolina’s Raleigh-Durham region by providing them with mobile laundry services and laundry supplies, meeting them in spaces that work for them.

Rapid Direct Laundry-Service Program: Uplift Laundry Truck works with local community partners, including the “HEART” program, to receive and respond to individual emergency laundry requests. We serve our community members within a 48-hour period, and allow them the opportunity to alleviate their urgent laundry needs. We choose wash locations that are convienent for those we serve, and sensitive to their needs.

Monthly Free Community Laundry Events: Uplift chooses a local laundromat to host free laundry events every month. Community members are encouraged to come out and receive direct laundry assistance and free laundry supplies. Uplift also serves as a local connection point at our Free Laundry events, providing community members with critical information that connects them food banks, shelters, and economic workforce development programs.

We partner with local non-profits, health systems, and interfaith communities, and we provide our community with tools to maximize our services, including hygiene support items, laundry detergent, bedding, and toiletry items.


***We are in our start-up phase, and we are building the financial foundation that is needed to purchase and outfit our own laundry trucks***

Advocacy and Awareness

One of Uplift Laundry Trucks’s most important community-based efforts is to provide the public with awareness of the impact of chronic laundry poverty and laundry insecurity.

Laundry Poverty represents the inability of a person or family to provide themselves with the tools and financial support needed to wash their clothes consistently.

When a person experiences laundry poverty for a sustained period of time, they endure negative impacts on their social-emotional well-being, physical health, and long-term ability to grow, thrive, and experience life in a dignified fashion.

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